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tonebase Viola Course

Karen Tuttle Coordination Technique

Taught by renowned violist

Kim Kashkashian

Join legendary violist Kim Kashkashian for an in-depth course on the Karen Tuttle Coordination Technique, a transformative approach to viola playing that emphasizes physical freedom, efficiency, and musical expression. In this comprehensive course, Kashkashian shares the principles and exercises developed by her mentor, Karen Tuttle, to help violists achieve optimal coordination and balance. Through detailed demonstrations and personalized insights, you will learn how to alleviate tension, improve posture, and enhance your technical facility, leading to a more natural and expressive performance. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a dedicated student, this course will provide invaluable tools to elevate your playing and deepen your connection to the instrument.

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Course Syllabus

Karen Tuttle & Tai Chi

In the first part of the course, Kashkashian draws intriguing parallels between Tuttle's technique and the principles of Tai Chi, highlighting the importance of fluid movements, balance, and inner awareness. Through detailed demonstrations and personalized insights, you will learn how to alleviate tension, improve posture, and enhance your technical facility, leading to a more natural and expressive performance.

Coordination Across The Strings

In the second part of Kim Kashkashian's course on the Karen Tuttle Coordination Technique, delve deeper into the application of these transformative principles across all strings. Kashkashian provides detailed instruction on how to maintain fluidity, balance, and efficient movement while transitioning between strings. Through targeted exercises and practical demonstrations, you will learn how to apply Tuttle's coordination techniques to enhance your sound production, articulation, and overall musical expression on each string.

Examples in the Repertoire

In the final part of Kim Kashkashian's course on the Karen Tuttle Coordination Technique, witness the practical application of these principles in passages from the standard viola repertoire. Kashkashian expertly demonstrates how to integrate the coordination techniques into your playing, showcasing their effectiveness in enhancing musicality and technical execution.

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Kim Kashkashian

Kim Kashkashian

Hailed for her "probing, restless intellect and enormous beauty of tone," violist Kim Kashkashian has achieved worldwide recognition as one of the leading violists of our time.

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Kim Kashkashian
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Karen Tuttle Coordination Technique

with Kim Kashkashian

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