Course Syllabus
Left Hand Frame
In the first part of the "Viola Survival Kit," Muriel Razavi explores the concept of the left hand frame, explaining its importance in establishing a solid technical foundation. She covers the technique of keeping fingers hovering above the string, providing exercises to help you develop a strong and efficient left hand. This section is designed to enhance your accuracy and agility, ensuring a stable and effective left-hand position.
Vibrato Basics
Muriel Razavi delves into the fundamentals of vibrato in this second part of the course, introducing the open hand concept and discussing general factors to consider when developing your vibrato. Razavi emphasizes the importance of engaging your arm to achieve a controlled and expressive vibrato. Through her detailed guidance, you will gain a deeper understanding of how to produce a consistent and beautiful vibrato.
The C-string
In this section, Muriel Razavi addresses the unique challenges of playing on the C-string, focusing on techniques to make the C-string ring with clarity and resonance. She teaches how to achieve a crispy yet resonant sound by using weight and leveraging the natural qualities of the bow. Razavi also introduces the concept of "thinking in consonants" to help you produce a strong, articulate tone on the C-string.
Enharmonic Switch
Conclude your "Viola Survival Kit" course with a focus on sound production and expression. Razavi shares strategies for producing a rich, resonant sound across all strings, and how to effectively communicate musical ideas through tone and phrasing. This section provides practical tips to help you enhance your overall sound quality and expressiveness, rounding out your essential viola skills.
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